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I fed My Soul

Three nights I’ve stayed awake, waiting and yearning for the call. I’ve been here many times over,

louder comes the call as I’ve done nothing to decipher its message. Lost in the world of distraction I’ve been losing time, sleep, money with not an understanding as to why. Deeper I went into the self-blame, blaming others still not wanting to see, nor understand that my soul was speaking in a way it knew I would listen. However, I was lost in the world of today that I had forgotten the ways of the olde.

Alignment is key when it comes to the universe! Understanding this has not come easy for my journey had plenty of suffering and lost however not even during my Shamanic Awakening Ceremony did I fully understand this. As above so it below old word lost in translation. The more awaken you become the more you lose in the physical world harsh this may seem yet life has never been more cleared. See for every step you take forward a donation must be made alignment must flow steady and during this training my brain was not able to process the cheat sheets given to me by my past selves. If your soul is not in alignment the universe will claim physical portions of your life.

See we receive warning signs before this happens, the sheets your soul has left like a trail. one by one like warning light flashing notifying you that something is off.

First it is simple like you wanting to be around elements that you might not be around with usually. Water may call in a way where you might decide to drink amounts of water you may normally not consume, or and over amount of showers so forth.

Two comes a bit more demanding like random invitations they may seem normal but just excessive like a random trip to a pacific location.

Three comes the message out loud this is directly from the source. It might come from a close friend a complete stranger but the message speaks directly to one’s soul. So loud that it might shake your soul into alignment.

Four is out of human control…The Universe has taken over and correction must be made. To long you have waited if you made it to Four. This is where thing get interesting this is where great loss comes. You must pay the price at this point and like a game it will always happen but unlike a game this stage will always be life changing, never into what you may want it to change for you will have to receive a lesson a test of some sort to hopefully understand why the change needed to happen, why the price was so high and why you should always try to be aligned.

The way to feed your soul is by experiencing all the elements, understanding what element is at play and consuming it into your being.

A price must be paid and during stage one that price can be simple…gas for a hike, sun screen for the beach…skydiving or being in a windy area, going to a bonfire and so forth. But when stage four has been reach be careful and willing to accept what may come because life changing it must be


At Your Door

One, two, three, four the universe is at your door…one, two are up to you! Three and four are yours no more… for three you see is up to we, while four is more than just your score. One and two might just be flu, four and three might be so free, that to find the key you might lose we. One, two, three, four the universe is at your door.

Shaman Jayden

Here it be, remember you tree for it’s the key that will set you free when your number is on and two and it’s up to you. For three and four are your no more.

As above so it below, remember that all comes at a price and understanding this will allow you to have a better handle on deciphering your warning lights.

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