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Walking to The AltarI

Let me start by saying sometimes this is a very hard and difficult road. If you are here reading this, then you are ready for what’s next. You have meditated and connect with your higher power, chosen the space and collected everything that you would need during your ritual. Now it’s time to set up the stage for the big production, choosing The Altar is the fun part for me personally.

I love the old traditions of grand altar meaning in the forest made from the mother herself out of stones, woods and so forth. For my home I have chosen a rectangular Altar facing the East. Your Altar will always shift if you’ve had one for a while then you know what I mean, if you are just starting out then let me explain.The Altar is what I like to describe as ALL and EVERYTHING, the UNIVERSE itself. As you begin to work with it, you will add to its life and as you unlock your magic The Altar will add to its Powers. It becomes an extension of you. During my Shamanic learning path of life this was explain beautifully. Each item use in The Altar is extended from me but glued by The Source itself (your Higher Power). Choosing The traditional items that will always be in The Altar can be fun and at the same time a long process. This will helps if you choose to pass down your book of shadows and or The items in The Altar Itself.

Some people choose The Wicca Altar, She become very Specific and extremely traditional. Though I can speak on this regard, I have chosen to give this debut to The Shamans Altar. Years ago, when I started my Altar journey, I was very low on the financial end of my life. But I used my creative side to come up with a very good-looking Altar. My ability to manifest items came so easily because all I wanted to do was honor and respect my higher power, so I would visualize items that would showcase my love to my higher power.

Having an Altar that you know your higher power would be pleased with will make the rituals and or spell that come from your Altar a lot smoother and more powerful. This brings me to the next topic your Altar also includes you and understanding this will make everything easier you most enter a ritual cleaned physically and metaphysically. You are the main part of the ritual so when you are in Zen with You and Your Higher Power life itself will be more peaceful. The Ritual is a very important part, the Altar is the stage where you and the Higher Power are working together to make things happen along with the WILL of Karmic Energy. This means that all magic comes at a prize so keeping this in mind when writing your spells and or rituals will make for a sophisticated book of shadows.

My first Introduction to Crystals happen when I was out shopping for my clothing line, I followed my intuition looking for something but I didn’t know what it was, I ended up in this jewelry store were i walk straight to the back as if i had been there before, i ended up looking right at this amazing blue and gold (Lapis) skull as I stared at the stone I felt like I was being stabbed with the most powerful light from behind as I turned to look I see the most amazing piece of clear quartz I felt like I could not leave this store without these pieces.

However like I said, I was not financially in my highest high so money budgeting was strong. Like most of my life this day My Higher Power had a plan! the store was having a buy one get one so I got my Altar starting stones. As time passed rest of the stones and crystals in my collection came as i needed them. My Altar I'm proud to say came from hand me downs, I got the old desk piece from a dear friend and my first clients gifted me many of the pieces that i now hold dear to my heart. little by little it would come together evolving as my powers grew so did my Altar Grow with me. .

As time moved forward more stones found me, some were even free also pieces that added to my Altar came freely. I placed all of my focus on my Altar. From experience I would say have a bit more control with your thoughts than i did. I feel if I would have done this with more focus, I would have been more financially able back then, but hey I'm a Shaman after all. I need to experience many things first hand to better understand them.

Balance is key and you have managed to do this without thought. Now that you are at the Altar its time to be grateful. You have an Altar! No matter how big or small. Lets not worry about what you don't have. Take in the moment You are in front of your Altar.

Now the work begins, double check yourself.

make sure you have everything you need, make sure your mind is clear. go into this with the mindset that you already have everything you are asking for and that you are doing this spell and or ritual to show gratitude and to provide your higher power with YOU to make it be so.

The structure to the ritual is as follows; Once you are in front of your Altar the cleasing process happens, You, the Altar, Your supplies must be cleanse. Then you must ground yourself in Shamanism, this means to ground yourself to Mother Gaia. Picture roots coming from the soles of your feet to the Earth this also will need to happen to you Altar. After you are grounded you will cast your circle the reason why you cast the circle after the cleasing is because you want to clear the energy to well come light to a clean space. following the cast of the circle you will address the Quarters themselves Air (East), Fire (South), Water (West), Earth (North) this most be something that is easy and comfortable to you for it will be something you do whenever you work with the Altar.

We are now in the Part and the reason why i say daily meditations is key we must now invoke the

Deities and or Spirits needed for the Ritual. Once the Higher Power or Powers are invoked its not time to bring the ingredients let lose in devote yourself fully to the experience chant, dance, burn if need be and so on. give yourself sometime for silence meditate. Remember meditation brings Liberation. Once you have received conformation show even more gratitude and start the releasing of any Deities and or Spirits that you have called on. and finally before you leave the Altar open your Circle with love and light.

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