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Ritual Spaces

Now that we have a better understanding of how to respect the ritual, let us focus more on the ritual space itself. Though sometimes in coven this is not decided by everyone this is something that a solitary soul will want to consider. The beauty of a ritual is that depending on the time it can be held in many different spaces. Many of these spaces can be permanent however some might just be temporary.

I would like to first talk about the temporary sights, for it is here that we end up with hunted buildings, open portals and so forth. It is normal and ok to have temporary spaces however, understanding how to execute a ritual opening and closing portals is a must when doing so. Therefore, while in covens the high priestess and or high coven officials take care of this long before the flyers and or advertisements go out. We all love the ideas of doing magic and ritual but we must understand that its real even with those that almost believe there is such thing as witch luck and it might just be enough to open a door way and allow something to come through. One must remember that just as much as we are trying to connect with the outer realms, the outer realms are trying to connect with us. Yes, there are definitely negative beings that would love to get their shadow into a living soul to bring forth torment and chaos to the living. Many times, these shadow beings will stay with us for a long time.

As a Shaman I can give a first-person example of this happening, like you've read in my previous blog, during my teen years before I understood the realms, I would grab a book and do everything it said. However like many spells book today the “you should already know steps” were left out even in the starter Wicca books. This brought for many lessons from which I’m still recovering from both spiritually and physically. During my teen years I open a portal that allowed the most vicious being to come forth it took control of my human body as I felt my soul split in to many pieces and travel through realms and past lives.

During this time (21 years) The shadow being rode along with the only portion of me that was strong enough to withstand the push. Spiritually I was lost, searching for God in many different churches and temples and religions. Physically I was hit with depression, insecurity, doubt, negative financial offset and a lot of negative life ending thoughts. I was so thankful that the part of my soul that stayed was powerful enough to withstand the chaos. There are many cases where the shadow beings wins and the last fragment of the soul flees leaving the vacant body for the shadow being to do with as it pleases.

That was a small example of the importance of choosing the right space for the ritual. for my space was not planned out, nor was it permanent and shortly after I had started the ritual I got interrupted and this should never happen, the space should be as free of distractions as possible. I was also not able to close the gate and it was here when the shadow attached itself to me. It wouldn’t be till 21 years later (some cases shorter, others a lifetime) that I discovered and understood the extreme importance to what had taken place many years before.

Please understand that choosing the ritual space and or spaces, go along with the ritual that you will be performing. Some spaces can be as temporary and as free as parks and or the oceans, outer circles (more for honoring, cleansing, requesting restoring), others might be indoor spaces such as rental halls, private homes and so forth (more personal, making contact, traveling realms, visiting past lives, devotional...). Make sure that you walk the space not only with you human eyes but by using your minds eye (third eye) as well this will allow for a better connection and by being comfortable with the space physically as well as spiritually the ritual will flow smoothly..

Always keeping in mind that when the space is chosen for a ritual it must now be held with the highest respect. Keeping in mind that anything you do in these space is now seen by your higher power with a very observant eye.

Blessed be Thee, with Love and Light.

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