What Altar do I need?
Well you have made it!
You have been told the Ritual (intuitively or verbally), chosen your space (physically and energetically), collected the ingredients, created the spell (prepared it in a scroll for or wrote it in your Grimoire and or Book of Shadows. It is time to focus on your Altar, the Altar will be a small but crucially needed representation of the universe.

Many magical traditions have customs that call for specific items to be place on or around the altars during rituals. They even have specific placements for instance Hindus, Jews and Christians place their Altar on the East, while in many traditions of witchcraft they may place Altars in the North (This may also have everything to do with the ritual and the need of the results).
Once you have chosen the placement of the Altar, you will have to decide on the type of Altar needed. I have personally used these at some point or another. Central Altar, I usually use this Altar during my classes or healings where I allow groups of two or more. It is an Altar that works well for outdoor ritual, as well as temporary ones (it may be a permanent location). Its name basically states the location an Altar place in the Center of the room and or circle.

The Devotional Altar can be both outside or inside this Altar is dedicated to one or more specific Gods or Goddess use to devote yourself to them solely. Household Altar are dedicated for the house along with everything and everyone within it (fun fact: Depending on the protection level this Altar will keep people away from your home). The Personal Altar is my most favorite for it is mainly use for oneself this is where you go to restore you and or do your personal rituals. I have even used a Labyrinth and recommend this one to many clients for you become the Altar during the walking of the Labyrinth.

Please do your research when making the choice even if you were giving the choice intuitively. Remember to take into considerations the purpose, time, number of participants, what you wish to influence, and whom you are addressing. (These are only a few of the many things you must consider). You see for many Shamans, depending on their teaching, they may have an extremely intricate Altar, this would only make sense for them, to anyone outside looking in this may look like chaos or the most beautiful thing they have ever seen.
You must understand that all items placed on the Altar become sacred and with them all you create your magical source, yes, your Altar
ill always shift and just like you shower and keep yourself clean daily, you must do so to your Altar. Blessed Be, with Love and Light.